
Wednesday 13 March 2013

Last Week

Last week I went to Potaua’s house to sleep over on the first night we went for a bike ride, when we got back we were practicing jumps outside his house and that night I learnt how to bunny hop over the curb I was so excited!! We went back inside his house  to play Modern Warfare 3 online we were on the game all night up till around about three in the morning and I got bored so I went to sleep.

The next day I woke up I we had breakfast and then we went for a free ride for one hour then we went to the bmx track. Then we went to go pick up Kendrix, Lorenzo and Kane was already sleeping over his house. At the bmx tracks we were jumping the second jump and I learnt how to coasty the first jump and then we went to the shop to buy two drinks before we went to the glenbrae skatepark.

I learnt how to bunny hop over the box and when I made it I was so happy. We looked at the time, it was 7:30 so we said it’s time to get home. Lorenzo wanted to sleep over with us so he went home and asked his mum and she said yes so went to his house and went to play more of mw3 online and Richard was on so I challenged him and I WASTED him and quickscoped and then we all crashed for the night.